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Nathan Zaugg

Member since: 04-22-2008
Last visited: 05-25-2023
Timezone: -7.00 GMT
Location: Utah
Occupation: Programmer
(44 years old)
Total Posts: 158
Post Rank: 1
Points: 0

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About Nathan Zaugg

Nate has done consulting for more than 6 years and has worked in IT for the past 10. He is co-president of NUNUG (Northern Utah .NET Users Group) and is a member of the board for Utah Geek Events which puts on Utah Code Camp, SQL Saturday, PodCamp, and other events throughout the year. He has been speaking at community events for several years and likes to stay up to date with the latest technology. You can find his blog at http://www.InteractiveASP.NET and his podcast at He can also be found @natezaugg on twitter.

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