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  • New context menu shell extension to rename Delphi / Pascal units.

    12/21/2010 Phil Gilmore Renaming a Pascal file isn’t as simple as pressing F2 in Windows Explorer and giving it a new name.  The name of the unit inside the file’s content must match the file’s name or the compiler can’t find it when you build your projects. Rather than bring up Delphi to rename the file for you (which can take a long time), you
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 12-21-2010
  • Anonymous Methods and Closures in Delphi 2010

    06/17/2010 Phil Gilmore What are anonymous methods? Anonymous methods are a new language feature introduced in Delphi 2010.   To describe them in one sentence is unfair, but I'll try.  They are methods which are defined inline (you might call them literal methods) and hence are not called by name.  Because they are not called by
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 06-17-2010
  • VDUG: Delphi Generics Presentation available for download

    05/19/2010 Phil Gilmore I presented Delphi Generics for the May Virtual Delphi User Group.  A recording with tips ‘n tricks by Robert Love is available as a streaming video(Flash) or as a full download (MP4) at the VDUG website:     Phil Gilmore (
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 05-19-2010
  • To Ribbon or not to Ribbon? Considering the Microsoft Fluent Interface.

    03/24/2010, updated 04/07/2010 Phil Gilmore I have a friend who is obsessed with the Ribbon interface found in the latest Microsoft Office suite.  He has been heard asking “To Ribbon or not to Ribbon”.  The answer should be, as always, whatever is best, not whatever is new.  I work primarily on the Microsoft side of the software development
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 03-25-2010
  • Using Generics in Delphi

    Phil Gilmore 12/23/2009, revised 02/25/2010 Introduction Generics were introduced in Delphi in version 2009.  They were implemented as first class citizens in the Object Pascal language.  They work splendidly and support all the features you would expect.  This is a huge improvement for this struggling language.  If you are in the
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 12-23-2009
  • Getting started with MyGeneration, a primer and tutorial

    12/03/2009 Phil Gilmore About MyGeneration MyGeneration is a developer's code-generation tool that gives you access to your database’s schema.  It is useful for building O/RM entity classes based on your database schema. MyGeneration is mature, free and open-source.  It supports many databases.  It supports scripting in many languages
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 12-03-2009
  • CodeRush Xpress for Visual Studio 2008 version 3.2.1 cheat sheet

    06/18/2009, Phil Gilmore I've been a CodeRush fan since I bought my first copy from Eagle Software for Delphi many years ago. I recently downloaded CodeRush Xpress for Visual Studio 2008, version 3.2.1. I have constructed a cheat sheet for it which is available for download on this server. In addition to publishing the cheat sheet, I thought I'd write
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 06-19-2009
  • How to support file uploads in ASP.Net MVC

    06/03/2009, Phil Gilmore ASP.NET MVC can support file uploads. You need two components to support file uploads. A form in your markup (view) which contains an <input type="file"...> tag and which has the proper enctype attribute. A controller action which will receive the upload information and perform a task with it. Your form can be as simple
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 06-03-2009
  • Building data sequences in C#

    05/19/2009, Phil Gilmore Beyond the overlap they share with enumerable collections, sequences are mostly unsupported in C#. A notable exception are some of the static methods of the Enumerable class. Check them out. This support is all I need for most sequence work I do. But the support therein is insufficient for anything complex. To augment this support
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 05-19-2009
  • Universal method chaining in C# 3.5

    04/07/2009 Phil Gilmore Here I will present a solution that provides method chaining in C# 3.5. I hope it helps you and I hope that we will see it added as part of the next update to the .NET. Is it really a big deal? I've been working more and more with jQuery and have become accustomed to the convenience of method chaining. But when I come back to
    Posted to Phil Gilmore (Weblog) by Phil Gilmore on 04-07-2009
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