Interactive ASP.NET

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  • Jan 2008 NUNUG Presentation Files

    C# 3.0; new language features and introduction to Linq to SQL. Presented at the January 2007 Northern Utah .NET Users Group Meeting
    Posted to Nate (MediaGallery) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-23-2008
  • InteractiveASP.NET Web Site Created

    I have been meaning to do this for years! I actually purchased this domain back in 2004--lost it for a few years and recently purchased it again. Me and some of my friends plan to support an online community where we can answer questions and post content that is useful to the community.
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-22-2008
  • Disable an ASP.NET button after clicking

    I was creating a payment form recently and I wanted to disable the submit button after the user had clicked it so that there was no chance of them clicking it twice on accident. This seems like one of those things that just ought to be a slam dunk! Back when I was doing ASP, this was one of the easiest things I ever did. I have done it with
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-18-2008
  • Registering a Control Defined inside of a web solution

    I've come across this several times. You build a custom control inside of your web_code folder and you can't reference it from your project because you can't figure out what assembly your supposed to reference (as your web code doesn't normally have a set assembly name). I finally figured out how to do this recently. Normally you're
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-03-2008
  • Gigantic Bug in SQL Server 2005 Full Text Query

    You know you've done something wrong when it takes 30+ seconds to run a full-text query. The most annoying part of this bug is the fact that it is something very small and inconsequential that "triggers" the bug. It's a lot like an murder investigation where the killer turns out to be a Nun. Here is the setup--- I have a full text
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 03-26-2008
  • Removing an account from the login screen in Windows XP and Windows Vista

    You have no idea how it got there but one day you start your computer and get several new "accounts" you can login as. This is very annoying and frustrating! Fortunately there is a way to "hide" those accounts without affecting the applications that added them. Here is the process: Open up the "Run" dialog. (Windows Key
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 03-21-2008
  • SmartRename :: File Renamer

    Last week our camera card filled up. Like most people, we'd almost rather buy a new, bigger card rather than try to go through the process of getting the photos onto the computer, processed, and burned to CD's. We decided that with about 2GB of pictures and videos on our cards we better download them. My wife, Tiffany, likes to rename all of the photo
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 03-08-2008
  • January 2008 NUNUG Notes

    I am a little behind on my Blog but I wanted to be sure and post my notes from January's NUNUG meeting on Visual Studio 2008 and the new features in the C# 3.0 framework. I also wanted to post notes from a remoting presentation I did for STG a year or so ago. Enjoy! Downloads .NET Framework 3.5 Presentation .NET Remoting Presentation
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 02-05-2008
  • iGen :: Open Source XSLT Code Generation Application

    I have decided to open source a project that I have been working off and on since 2003. I have always been a big fan of code generation and felt like I knew what it takes to do it right. iGen is actually the second separate attempt. My original attempt is named SmartDAL and is also included in the downloads below. What is iGen? iGen is simply a fancy
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 01-23-2008
  • User already exists in current database SQL Server 2005 Error 15023

    I posted a blog entry a while back about how to change the owner of a database. What that still does not solve is the problem you have when there is a database user in the database you restored and there is a database user already in your system, each with the same name. While it seems intuitive that it should just work, it doesn't! The user in
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 01-14-2008
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