June 2009 - Posts

CodeRush Xpress for Visual Studio 2008 version 3.2.1 cheat sheet
Published 19 June 9 12:37 PM | Phil Gilmore
06/18/2009, Phil Gilmore I've been a CodeRush fan since I bought my first copy from Eagle Software for Delphi many years ago. I recently downloaded CodeRush Xpress for Visual Studio 2008, version 3.2.1. I have constructed a cheat sheet for it which is...
How to support file uploads in ASP.Net MVC
Published 3 June 9 4:57 PM | Phil Gilmore
06/03/2009, Phil Gilmore ASP.NET MVC can support file uploads. You need two components to support file uploads. A form in your markup (view) which contains an <input type="file"...> tag and which has the proper enctype attribute. A controller action...