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  • Bug in Visual Studio 2008 SP1?

    This is just a quick post. I had a bug where any time I tried to compile a WPF project on my laptop I got the following pair of errors: Error Message 1: The "SplashScreen" parameter is not supported by the "MarkupCompilePass1" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property. Error Message
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 09-15-2008
  • .NET Threading :: Part 1 - Basic Threading

    Recently I have been doing a lot with threading. This is a concept that used to be very difficult for me and now is only just difficult! Threading is becoming increasingly important as modern processors are not getting faster, they are getting more cores. In order for a application to utilize any of the power of modern CPU's it must use threading
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 09-09-2008
  • Moving a WPF Window Without a Title Bar

    here is some great code for moving a window without a title bar. Step 1: Make your window transparent < Window x : Class ="TestWpfApp.Window1" xmlns ="" xmlns : x ="" AllowsTransparency ="True" WindowStyle
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 09-04-2008
  • Google releases web browser "chrome"

    Google has done it again! In a completely unexpected (at least by myself) move they have released a browser into mainstream. Frankly, I am quite surprised! Google was such a fan of Firefox that I never thought I would see them in competition. It also surprises me because building web browsers has is not part of Google's core business. This is also
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 09-02-2008
  • Product Reviews: Westinghouse 32H570D & Jensen HD5112

    I don't normally do product reviews on my blog but recently I have come across some really poor electronics and have had such a bad experience I want to warn any potential buyer -- These products are beyond poor, they are unacceptable! So I have decided that at least for the time being I would share my experiences online. There are all kinds of
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 08-21-2008
  • Managed vs. Unmanaged :: Round 1 - Theoretical

    I am asked all of the time about the performance of managed vs. unmanaged code and "how much slower is it?". This is one of the questions I am going to attempt to answer using experimentation. In this post I'll talk about some of the theory and make some predictions (I haven't written any code yet) and we'll see how close the theory
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 08-11-2008
  • NUNUG Meeting Review :: SQL Server 2008 by Pat Wright

    Pat is an excellent presenter and a friend. I am also excited about SQL Server and Pizza so this meeting was a winning combination for me! It was also nice to see some familiar faces and had a small but decent turnout. Environment The meeting started late (as expected with almost anything I attend now days) but was forgivable due to unexpected traffic
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 08-06-2008
  • Fixing the Pesky 2 Downloads at a Time Limit in IE7

    Have you ever noticed that with IE7 you can only download 2 files from any given domain at any given time? It's actually slightly worse than that, you may only have 2 connections total, including a connection to request web pages. That means if you are downloading two things from a single domain you are unable to browse! Much to my angst this is actually
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 07-29-2008
  • Utah DNUG User Group Notes & Review :: Lets get Physical!

    Environment I have to admit, I was very excited when I saw this was going to be a topic for the users group meeting. I am very interested in hardware! I remember building my own connector to the computer to communicate with my calculator (TI-86). I always wondered how it worked so when I saw the topic I was very excited to might learn some of this stuff
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 07-18-2008
  • Encrypting Configuration Information for ASP.NET

    Every company I consult with invariably has their own "security" assembly and they all have a hard-coded encryption key with the IV and the method to decrypt is right next to the method to encrypt. This is what I call marginal protection . Yes, it's encrypted and will probably get a security auditor off of your back but don't be fooled
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 07-16-2008
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