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Microsoft (
We have all seen the TV commercials of Mac and PC standing there while the Mac makes some funny remark about how unreliable PC is or how much more fun Mac is. We all got a good laugh and I even started recording them before realizing that they were available...
I have been playing with Windows 7 in my VM machine for a few weeks now and have found it to be amazingly fast and lean! So what will keep people from making the leap from XP to Windows 7? Application and hardware compatibility of course! ...
Silverlight 2 is great! Silverlight 3 is AWESOME! My first experiences with the beta framework and tools have been overwhelmingly positive. In this post I’ll go over my experience creating an application using some of the new features and I’ll...
It may come as no surprise to those who know me that I have recently confirmed that I am certifiable! After all, when you have been doing what I do for as long as I have been doing it it’s hard not to be affected. It happens to a very large...
There have been a lot of buzz around Windows 7 lately. Most people plan to migrate from XP straight to Windows 7, skipping Vista altogether! Personally I have really liked Vista. The only real issue I had is it wouldn't run a really old game that I used...