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A couple of weeks ago I listened to a presentation by Scott Hanselman about scaling your life . One of the many great pieces of advice is to blog about something rather than email an answer. So this afternoon my good friend Alex asked me how we used to convert Vector PDF images to XAML Drawing Brushes...
I fell in love with WPF the first time I saw it in action! WPF is a thing of pure beauty! Anyway, from the second I saw how the data binding worked I knew that there was going to be a lot to figure out there! It also seems as though there is no real data binding expert -- or the experts don't blog too...
This announcement on Scott Gu's blog touts the success of the launch of Silverlight 2.0 and announces Silverlight 3.0. Out of the success stories noted on the blog one of the coolest applications is the new Netflix player! Having worked only a little in Silverlight but a lot in WPF I have been very disappointed...
There is Expression Blend, Visual Studio, XamlPad that we are all aware of and use on a regular biases for creating our XAML. One that I am adding to the top of my XAML editor list is Kaxaml! This is the lightest weight most useful XAML editor I have ever seen! It's got a great WPF/Blend look and is...
Presenter: Joe McBride Date: Thursday November 13, 2008 Place: Neumont University I am pretty excited about this. I am a big fan of design patterns and the presentation promises to cover MVC and MVP design patterns and those are not well understood architectures and I was also interested to see how it...
I find it really strange that there are code snippets for Dependency Properties but not Routed Events! Routed Events allow events to tunnel (preview) events up a visual tree and bubble them back down the visual tree. Any control along the tree can subscribe to these events and handle them. You can also...
Silverlight 2 is not far from reality! With the first RC coming just months after the beta 2 release and promises of a full release coming soon we can start migrating existing beta 2 code to RC0 which is supposed to be compatible with the actual release. The announcement is posted on Scott Gu's blog...
WPF has built-in controls for ink, but is missing much of the API that is available in the TabletPC SDK 1.7. As a result, unless you are doing the most basic and mundane ink you will be required to use this library. One of those basic things that are missing is the ability to open the TextInputPanel...
This is just a quick post. I had a bug where any time I tried to compile a WPF project on my laptop I got the following pair of errors: Error Message 1: The "SplashScreen" parameter is not supported by the "MarkupCompilePass1" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it...
here is some great code for moving a window without a title bar. Step 1: Make your window transparent < Window x : Class ="TestWpfApp.Window1" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns : x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"...
A few weeks ago I gave a presentation on Silverlight at the Utah Code Camp . I was really impressed by a presentation I saw last time on Ruby and everyone really liked the cheat sheet that was provided. For my presentation this year I created an XAML Cheat Sheet. For those who are learning XAML it is...
As promised by Microsoft when Visual Studio 2008 launched late last year, there is a service pack for available both for the .Net framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. Information about the release can be found on ScottGu's Blog and mostly include bug fixes and performance enhancements, but the points...
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