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  • 3D Modeling With Google

    Those who know me will tell you that Microsoft might as well just put me on payroll because I talk about their new products all day long. I have even characterized myself as an "Unofficial, Unpaid, Microsoft Solutions Evangelist". Having said that, I know what's good and bad about the products I love so much. I also know when someone else
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 06-12-2008
  • Avoiding Circular Dependencies

    The term "circular dependency" may be foreign to some programmers (especially if you do Java as it is a pretty common practice). However, anyone who has done some scripting for a referential database knows that you have to run scripts in a certain order. Running scripts out of order causes errors when you run. The interesting trick is that
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 06-09-2008
  • Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 Released & Installation Help

    Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 has been released. This version is supposed to be pretty stable as I understand it. The tools on the other hand, still feel very much like a beta! I had a heck of a time getting this junk installed! The link to download Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 for Visual Studio is here: (note: This installation
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 06-09-2008
  • XAML Cheat Sheet

    A few weeks ago I gave a presentation on Silverlight at the Utah Code Camp . I was really impressed by a presentation I saw last time on Ruby and everyone really liked the cheat sheet that was provided. For my presentation this year I created an XAML Cheat Sheet. For those who are learning XAML it is a pretty good resource but it's most helpful
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 05-28-2008
  • SP1 for the .Net Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 Released to Beta

    As promised by Microsoft when Visual Studio 2008 launched late last year, there is a service pack for available both for the .Net framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. Information about the release can be found on ScottGu's Blog and mostly include bug fixes and performance enhancements, but the points of interest for me are: ASP.NET Routing Engine
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 05-19-2008
  • Utah Code Camp Spring 2008 Retrospective

    Code camp snuck up and bit me this year! I have been so busy with the new site that I didn't get the preparation time I wanted. Although turnout was mixed (a little less than we had last time, but still pretty good) the sessions were pretty good this year. The Good: I got the large room again this time and a lot of people attended
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 05-01-2008
  • Silverlight Presentation

    Includes the following projects: - A CPU intensive Winform application to compate with Silverlight 2.0 - A CPU intensive Silverlight application to compare with Winforms. (Pretty close speeds) - A Silverlight 2.0 Client application that connects to a music service to query for songs. Also
    Posted to Nate (MediaGallery) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-27-2008
  • Unit Testing Philosophy -- Code Coverage is meaningless....

    While I am a big fan of unit testing I often try to point out that Code Coverage tells us little more than “are there unit tests” not “are we unit testing”. The former indicates that the code is indeed being executed . The latter indicates that the code is being exercised . Scott Hanselman describes this in a podcast available here: http://www.hanselman
    Posted to Nate's Stuff (Weblog) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-23-2008
  • WPF Presentation Files

    WPF Presentation Given at the Fall 2007 Utah Code Camp
    Posted to Nate (MediaGallery) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-23-2008
  • Code Camp Presentation Files

    The .net framework 3.5; new features and introduction. Presented at the Spring 2007 Utah Code Camp
    Posted to Nate (MediaGallery) by Nathan Zaugg on 04-23-2008
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