Application to get assemly qualified name source. Also features "vista aero glass"; Works on Vista or above.
This is an ASP.NET HTTP Module template for custom authorization using HTTP Basic Authenticaion Protocol
This is a C# implementation of an unlimited precision real number
This is the WPF In Depth Presentation I gave at the Fall 2007 Utah Code Camp.
This is the presentation I gave at the Spring 2008 Utah Code Camp.
This is the ADO.NET Entity Framework presentation I gave at the Fall 2008 Utah Code Camp
This is the presentation I gave at the Spring 2007 Utah code Camp and again at the January 2008 Northern Utah .NET Users Group (NUNUG)
This is the remoting presentation I gave June 2006 at the Microsoft Study Group for Software Technology Group
Singularity is a Managed operating system started by Microsoft Research. It's last version 1.1 target the .NET 1.1 framework and was a very fast OS (if not all that functional). The latest version supports the 2.0 framework, 64-bit processing, additions to the Bartok (MSIL-to-native) compiler, and updates to the Sing# compiler (C# style language used
I have been wanting to add JavaScript to my posts for months but have never gotten it to work. I can usually get around using JavaScript but I decided that I wanted to add a Digg tag at the bottom and that requires some JavaScript. Open the communityserver.config file in the root of the Community Server 2008 install. Remote the line that reads: <