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  • Encrypting Configuration Information for ASP.NET

    Every company I consult with invariably has their own "security" assembly and they all have a hard-coded encryption key with the IV and the method to decrypt is right next to the method to encrypt. This is what I call marginal protection . Yes, it's encrypted and will probably get a security...
    Posted to Weblog by Nathan Zaugg on 07-16-2008
  • SP1 for the .Net Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 Released to Beta

    As promised by Microsoft when Visual Studio 2008 launched late last year, there is a service pack for available both for the .Net framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. Information about the release can be found on ScottGu's Blog and mostly include bug fixes and performance enhancements, but the points...
    Posted to Weblog by Nathan Zaugg on 05-19-2008
  • Disable an ASP.NET button after clicking

    I was creating a payment form recently and I wanted to disable the submit button after the user had clicked it so that there was no chance of them clicking it twice on accident. This seems like one of those things that just ought to be a slam dunk! Back when I was doing ASP, this was one of the easiest...
    Posted to Weblog by Nathan Zaugg on 04-18-2008
  • Registering a Control Defined inside of a web solution

    I've come across this several times. You build a custom control inside of your web_code folder and you can't reference it from your project because you can't figure out what assembly your supposed to reference (as your web code doesn't normally have a set assembly name). I finally figured...
    Posted to Weblog by Nathan Zaugg on 04-03-2008
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