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Here is a fun little C# Duel: http://pexforfun.com/Default.aspx (click Random Puzzle) I solved my first one in just 1 try (compilations) so it doesn’t take long to try. What is Pex and how does it work? http://pexforfun.com/Documentation.aspx#HowDoesPexWork Basically Pex is a tool to help you write Unit...
It may come as no surprise to those who know me that I have recently confirmed that I am certifiable! After all, when you have been doing what I do for as long as I have been doing it it’s hard not to be affected. It happens to a very large number of people in my field and that number continues...
I’m not easily impressed by even the best of software. There is usually some little thing that ruins my user experience. I tell you this so you know that what I say next is something special. Visual NDepend is AWESOME! Everything meet or far exceeded my expectations! If...
Service Oriented Architecture is a software design concept that packages small pieces of modular functionality into "services" through the software lifecycle. SOA separates functionality into a set of self-contained, modular units that can be combine by a simple application to accomplish a...
The term "circular dependency" may be foreign to some programmers (especially if you do Java as it is a pretty common practice). However, anyone who has done some scripting for a referential database knows that you have to run scripts in a certain order. Running scripts out of order causes...
While I am a big fan of unit testing I often try to point out that Code Coverage tells us little more than “are there unit tests” not “are we unit testing”. The former indicates that the code is indeed being executed . The latter indicates that the code is being exercised . Scott Hanselman describes...
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