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Coding Blocks According to their website, the creators wanted to give back to the community through their podcast. They created a listenable format for people to learn from one another and to share what they have experienced as real life problem solvers. Available on iTunes, Stitcher, and a bunch of...
I am one of those that was quite upset about the announcement from RedGate that .NET Reflector would no longer be free. Particularly since it was given to them for free and they have only mucked things up from the original. It was also my understanding that one of the conditions under which...
A short time ago I was working on a project using SQL Server Full Text Search. This was my first real deep exposure to the engine and it worked pretty well. However, for the project I was working on there were some very serious problems that I was never able to overcome. Try as I might to tweak SQL Server...
It's time for another episode of Good Idea / Bad Idea: Good Idea! Catching a specific exception from a suspect numeric conversion and showing a polite input error message. Bad Idea! Catching all exceptions and "swallowing" the exception. Okay, so it's not as funny as it is on Animaniacs , but true none...
I’m not easily impressed by even the best of software. There is usually some little thing that ruins my user experience. I tell you this so you know that what I say next is something special. Visual NDepend is AWESOME! Everything meet or far exceeded my expectations! If...
This post has been sitting in my drafts for months! Because my friend Phil just posted his post on Lambda Expressions I'll simply link to his post and present the rest of this as supplemental examples. // Delegates // My Blog Engine is having trouble showing these so there may be some extra spaces public...
Singularity is a Managed operating system started by Microsoft Research. It's last version 1.1 target the .NET 1.1 framework and was a very fast OS (if not all that functional). The latest version supports the 2.0 framework, 64-bit processing, additions to the Bartok (MSIL-to-native) compiler, and updates...
I find it really strange that there are code snippets for Dependency Properties but not Routed Events! Routed Events allow events to tunnel (preview) events up a visual tree and bubble them back down the visual tree. Any control along the tree can subscribe to these events and handle them. You can also...
Silverlight 2 has been released and boasts many new features. Silverlight is a cross-platform RIA (Rich Internet Applications) platform designed to enhance the web experience. Silverlight allows developers to use a familiar set of tools and technologies to deploy functionality via the web. Silverlight...
WPF has built-in controls for ink, but is missing much of the API that is available in the TabletPC SDK 1.7. As a result, unless you are doing the most basic and mundane ink you will be required to use this library. One of those basic things that are missing is the ability to open the TextInputPanel...
I know the title of this post is a little bit of a misnomer, business objects will never map 1 to 1 with relational database objects. However, when just starting out and when you get to control the schema of the database, it sure makes a good starting point and this trick makes it really easy and avoids...
Recently I have been doing a lot with threading. This is a concept that used to be very difficult for me and now is only just difficult! Threading is becoming increasingly important as modern processors are not getting faster, they are getting more cores. In order for a application to utilize any of...
I am asked all of the time about the performance of managed vs. unmanaged code and "how much slower is it?". This is one of the questions I am going to attempt to answer using experimentation. In this post I'll talk about some of the theory and make some predictions (I haven't written...
Environment I have to admit, I was very excited when I saw this was going to be a topic for the users group meeting. I am very interested in hardware! I remember building my own connector to the computer to communicate with my calculator (TI-86). I always wondered how it worked so when I saw the topic...
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